Winter 2015 Mediterranean Studies MRP Workshop: Trade and Exchange
Friday, 30 January • UC Davis
9:30 AM—5:30 PM Workshop
Fariba Zarinebaf, (History/Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, UC Riverside)
“Ottoman-European Commercial Encounters in Early Modern Galata”
- Comment by Cornel Zwierlein, (Environmental History, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany), Visiting Fellow, Harvard University, followed by General Discussion
Nir Shafir (History, UCLA)
“Damascus as Pilgrimage Center: Saints, Shrines, and the Hajj between ʿArab and Rūm in the Seventeenth Century”
- Comment by Joshua M. White (History, University of Virginia), followed by General Discussion
Daniel Vitkus (Literature, UC San Diego)
“Cross-Cultural Trade, the Early Corporation, and the English Theater: Staging the Origins of Capitalism in the Early Modern Mediterranean”
- Comment by Zahit Atcil (Newberry Library), followed by General Discussion
Featured Speaker: Molly Greene (History, Princeton)
“Where are the Ottomans in Mediterranean History?”
5:30 PM Reception
Winter 2015 Western Ottomanists’ Workshop
Saturday, 31 January – Sunday, 1 February • UC Davis
Oscar Aguirre-Mandujano (University of Washington)
“Songs of War and Friendship: The Poems of Yehuda Leon Behar and the Balkan Wars”
Patricia Blessing (Stanford University)
“Turquoise and Gold, White and Blue: The Tile Decoration of the Yeşil Complex in Bursa, Turkey between Anatolia and East Asia”
John Curry (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
“Was the Nasuhi Sufi Order Founded by a Pirate? The Curious Intersection of Mezamorta Hüseyin Paşa and Muhammad Nasuhi”
Lydia Harrington (Boston University)
“Conflict shaping the cityscape: Baghdad and the tenure of Midhat Pasha, 1869-1872”
Irfana Hashmi (Whittier College)
“From Mamluk to Ottoman: The Evolution of al-Azhar Mosque-University”
Mary Momdjian (UCLA)
“A success story: the role of the Ghatouz Cubbe family in the implementation of the Avruppa Tuccari Imperial program in the early modern period”
Hakeem Naim (UC Davis)
“Afghanistan’s Young Turks: Ittihad-i Islam, Colonial Modernization, and the Rise of Islamic Nationalism in Afghanistan”
Orcun Can Okan (Columbia University)
“Politics of Remembering Midhat Pasha: Post-Ottoman Contexts of a Contested Memory in Turkey and the Arab East”
Judith Rood (Biola University)
“The Expansion of the Commercial Rights of Ashkenazi Jews in Ottoman Jerusalem During the Muhammad ‘Ali Era”
Muhammed Şen (UC Davis)
“The Changing Nature of the Ottoman Scientific Mentality”
Zeynep Seviner (University of Washington)
“Regulated Peculiarities: The Publishing Scene during the Rule of Abdulhamid II”
Seçil Uluışık (University of Arizona)
“Multi-tiered Elite Networks and Çorbacıs as Non-Muslim Local Power Holders in Ottoman Balkans during the mid-19th Century”
Anna Wood (Columbia Unıversıty)
“(Dis)Orienting Paris: Remapping the French Capital via Ottoman Opposition Movements, 1880-1918”
Cornel Zwierlein (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Harvard University)
“Parallel societies? European (non)knowledge about the Levant in the Levant”
The Western Ottomanists’ Workshop (WOW) is cosponsored by UC Davis Art History, History, Jewish Studies, Middle East/South Asia Studies, Religious Studies, The Turkey Studies Research Cluster of the Davis Humanities Institute, and UC Berkeley Center for Middle Eastern Studies, as well as the MRP. It will start at 9 AM on Saturday, January 31, and end at 12 noon on Sunday, February 1. The presenters and their paper titles are below. For further information on WOW, please contact: