Travel Stipend Program

The UCMRP continues to provide funding for both University of California and (as budget permits) outside scholars to attend and participate in our quarterly workshops and other events. For details and queries, please contact Courtney Mahaney, UC Santa Cruz Institute for Humanities Research (

In addition, the Mediterranean Seminar/UCMRP administers a Travel Stipend Program to assist UC faculty and graduate students to present papers on Mediterranean Studies topics at conferences and meetings of scholarly societies, and for graduate student research. For further information please click here.

This year, support was provided to Alexandre Roberts (Ph.D. Candidate in History, UC Berkeley) to present his paper, “The Crossing Paths of Greek and Persian Knowledge in the 9th-century Arabic ‘Book of Degrees,'” at the conference, Le vie del sapere nell’area siro-mesopotamica dal III al IX secolo, held in Rome on 12-13 May 2011.

Posted in Announcements.